§ 82-3. Powers.  

Latest version.
  • The Traffic Commission shall have the duty, power and authority, in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and with other provisions of this chapter, to regulate the flow and speed of traffic and the parking of vehicles on the highways and streets of the Township or to adopt regulations to that end. Without limiting the authority hereby given, the Traffic Commission is also specifically authorized:
    Turning. To prohibit or regulate the turning of vehicles at intersections which it designates.
    Through streets and stop or yield signs. To designate streets as through streets and to protect the entrances thereto with stop signs or yield right-of-way signs.
    Bus stops. To establish public bus stops for loading and unloading public bus passengers at the curb.
    No-parking zones. To establish no-parking zones.
    Restricted-parking zones. To establish restricted-parking zones.
    Prohibited parking. To prohibit parking on the sides of streets which it designates.
    Miscellaneous parking provisions. To provide certain miscellaneous parking regulations.
    Traffic lanes. To establish traffic lanes at street intersections in which vehicles shall move in accordance with the direction indicated by such lanes when signs are placed giving legal notice thereof.
    One-way streets. To designate certain streets for one-way traffic and to indicate the required direction of traffic thereon.
    Speed. To establish maximum and/or minimum speed limits on streets which it designates after conducting an engineering and traffic investigation when and in such manner as required by regulations promulgated by the Department of Transportation in accordance with laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; provided, however, that no maximum speed greater than 55 miles per hour shall be so established.
    Restricted vehicles. To prohibit or restrict the use of highways, streets and bridges at specified places by specified classes of vehicles whenever the Traffic Commission determines that such portions of the highways or streets may be seriously damaged by the use or movement of the specified classes of vehicles or the movement of such classes of vehicles would constitute a safety hazard.
    No-passing zones. To designate no-passing zones on specified portions of highways and streets.
    Enforcement. To designate the hours of the day and the days of the year when each of the regulations promulgated by the Traffic Commission shall be in full force and effect.
    Traffic control devices. To order the installation, maintenance and operation of permanent signs, lights and other traffic control devices after obtaining any approval of the Department of Transportation required by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and after conducting any traffic and engineering investigation when and in such manner as required by regulations promulgated by the Department of Transportation.
    Establishing snow emergency routes. To prohibit and/or regulate the parking or maintenance of motor vehicles in designated snow emergency routes during or after the fall of snow.